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- 05 Nov
Ulaanbaatar/MONTSAME/. Bayan-Ulgii aimag is committed to plant and growing 20 million trees as part of the national movement ‘One Billion Trees’ initiated by the President of Mongolia.
A consultation ‘One billion trees- Bayan-Ulgii aimag’ was held in Ulgii city. In the frames of the national movement, the aimag aims to increase citizens’ participation in the reforestation and establishment of forest strips and to establish four new tree nurseries. In addition, entities and individuals that grew trees and increased greeneries and are working to develop fruit farms will be provided with policy support.
About 900 thousand fruit trees will be planted on 300 hectares of land, and a movement ‘Five trees –each household’ will be carried out in addition to the establishment of a garden of youth in each soum.
This year, 300 thousand trees are planned to be planted on 120 hectares of land. The aimag administration will also purchase up to 20,000 saplings and seedlings to build parks and greeneries, and conduct reforestation works.
During the event, Chief of Staff of the Office of President Ya.Sodbaatar said, “One Billion Trees can be seen as the mega project of the economy. It needs to prepare 100 million seedlings per year in order to plant one billion trees by 2030. It will increase jobs and production. Irrigation systems are important to plant trees. New solutions of fencing and protection system are believed to emerge. Local authorities need to plan solutions that meet the local features.”
The aimag’s governor D.Bauyrjan said that the aimag plans to plant 3 million trees with the support of Erdenet Mining Corporation and 5 million trees with the support of Erdenes Tavantolgoi LLC.
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